Friday, August 20, 2010

2010 Crankworx Slopestyle Video

It's what we've been waiting for and today the Monster Energy Slopestyle went down. With blazing hot temperatures and dry conditions some of the top 16 riders in the world hurled themselves down the course with not much regard to bodies or safety. The day started at checking out the skills and finesse of the trials bikers over near the local creekbed. From there it was off to the Cheese rolling championships! Yes we saw people hurtling down the hillside all to grab that wheel of cheese. A now annual competition this British favorite shows who is willing to chase the "cheese".

After we filled ourselves with the cheese antics we checked out the village scene and got into position for the big show. After seeing Casey Groves tailwhip the Monster stepdown, then soon to be winner Cam Zink 360 it this course was open for the slaughter. Highlights were seeing near perfect runs by Brendan Semenuk and Darren Berrecloth, Both getting injured on the last hit the Kokanee showtime booter the rest of the field were waiting to take control. Cam Zink, Mike Montgomery and Casey Groves had top notch runs but it was Cam Zink's 2nd qualifying run which sealed the deal with technical trickery and huge airs.

With Whistler's biggest crowds since the Winter Olympics the nightlife was out of control. The Monster Energy afterparty at the Longhorn was a full house with Mat the Alien's video DJ set and drinks flowing freely.

2010 Crankworx Slopestyle Video

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